Christmas Mini Lights have been and will continue to be one of the most popular Christmas lights strings available. They are a simple, relatively hassle free light string that comes in the same variety of colors that makes large bulbs so popular. Our Miniature Christmas lights come in a variety of spacings; 2.5 Inch Spacing, 4 Inch Spacing, 6 Inch Spacing, and 8 Inch Spacing are standard. There is also a large selection of bulb counts for different strings. All spacings come in 50 bulbs and 100 bulb per string sets, but the 4 inch spacing sets come in 15 light, 20 light, and 35 light.
The smaller mini light strings have been gaining a huge following in the craft market. The trend of lighting glass blocks and emptied wine bottles is becoming more and more popular, using 20 or 35 light count, a glass drill bit, and a little ingenuity can lead some nice looking results. These smaller bulb count strings generally do not have any sort of end plug, we call them NEC sets ( No End Connector sets) and they are probably our most popular light string.
At the complete opposite end of the spectrum our Commercial 6 Inch spaced lights are the toughest and longest mini light sets we carry. Unlike most other mini lights these sets allow you to connect 6 sets end to end, these sets allow for LONG decorating runs without having to worry about extension cords. Generally standard mini light sets only allow for 3 sets to be plugged end to end.
Many of the past problems that plague mini light users have been remedied. In the not so distant past when a bulb would burn out it would usually kill half the string. Current production strings have a simple fix, a shunt. If a bulb is shunted then it has a small piece of wire wrapped around the filament leads, if the filament burns out the shunt continues the flow of electricity through the bulb. This simple little strand of wire keeps burnt out bulbs from killing half of your light strings. Now, if a bulb is loose or twisted then generally it will also kill the string. Usually this can be fixed by a light push on the top of the bulb if it's just loose, for twisted bulbs you have really inspect each bulb.
I hope this blog has given you a little insight into the world of Mini Lights, please visit our mini light page to view our selection.
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